As we can imagine, the best Mac media player is the one which should be capable of playing any videos or movies with clear images and it should also be easy to operate. Internet has plenty of options for you, some of which are free, while some are not, and it’s also tough to choose the right one. Roughly you can look out for those offering high definition support, more formats and fewer ads, etc. Here’s a list of top 10 video player apps for Mac.
Mar 07
10 Awesome Video Players for Mac for Free
Mar 07
4 Prominent Benefits of Website Analysis
Almost all businesses today have a website and it’s very important to keep an eye upon the website in order to monitor the growth of business. Web analysis includes collecting data, analyzing it and reporting for the purpose of knowing and optimizing web usage. By analyzing the website you can know the behavior of your visitors. Through web analysis you can know various things like number of visitors, source of visits, page views, viewers’ demographics and actions taken by the visitors. Based on this information, the business owner can take further actions to get better results. Here are top benefits of web analysis.
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Mar 04
Content Marketing More Important Than Ever in 2017
With every passing year, content marketing becomes more and more important to businesses in nearly every sector. Why? Because the digital world is expanding at breakneck speed. Some traditional forms of marketing are still relevant in 2017, but companies not involved in the digital arena are not keeping up. You could say that content marketing is more important than ever in 2017.
Feb 26
Chameleon Street Chat
Augmented reality (AR) is an indirect or direct live view of real-world, physical environment with elements which are augmented by sensory inputs like GPS data, graphics or video generated by computer. Basically, augmented reality enhances your perception of reality and, believe it or not, it’s applied everywhere. One way to feel and taste this technology is Chameleon Street Chat. If you haven’t already tried it, keep on reading to find out more about it! Continue reading
Feb 26
Pick the Best Mac Video Downloader
If you ever wanted to know how to download videos on Mac, but didn’t find a suitable solution, this is the right article for you. The first thing that comes to mind when video download is mentioned is download from popular, video-hosting websites, for example YouTube. But, there are times when we need to download a streaming video on Mac, and not every app will be able to perform that task.
Feb 26
9 Excellent MP4 Players for Mac for Free
Certain MP4 files are hard to play on Mac’s media player QuickTime because sometimes a different codec is used to encode an MP4 file and QuickTime cannot recognize it. QuickTime supports only a limited number of MP4 files which is a frustrating thing to use it as a media player. Here are 9 best alternative MP4 players for Mac that will enable you to play any MP4 file on Mac. All of them are free to download and use.
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Feb 23
8 More SEO Tips to Optimise Your Site Even More
So far, we have shared a number of SEO tips with you. You might have even memorized most of them by now. However, SEO is a thing of continuous learning and every time you find something new when you read about it. Therefore, here we have brought some more SEO tips that would add to your knowledge and be useful to you to optimise your site even more.
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Feb 21
Chamboost – Instagram Influencer Marketing that Makes a Difference to Your Sales
Do you feel that whatever efforts you are making for marketing your products are not giving you the results you wanted? Have you tried influencer marketing? Or have you heard of Chamboost? If you haven’t yet, you have missed a major chunk of efforts from which you could have tremendously benefited. Here is the information you should know.
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Feb 19
Top 4 Digital Marketing Trends In 2017 that You Should Know
Trends keep coming and going in digital marketing world. This is the reason why business owners feel like being in unchartered waters when it’s about navigating the requirements of strategy and budget for the coming year. Today there are more choices in media than ever before and businesses are left fighting for less attention to countless platforms. Here are some digital marketing movements you should be attentive to in 2017.
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Feb 18
Picking the Right Domain Name
So, you’re ready to create a website for an already existing company or to start a brand new online business, but you don’t know where to start. This time, I’ll focus on finding the right domain name for your website; it’s one of the first decisions you’ll have to make but one of those that will stick with you for quite a while (hopefully). Is there something you should keep in mind before sitting down and registering the domain name? Keep on reading to find out! Continue reading