Jan 07


Splunk the ultimate solution to cyber threatsOnline deception and frauds have been increasing in number day by day. Banks, IT organizations, and almost every other industry is being affected by this sudden increase in data frauds and security threats. But what is the reason behind this increase?

The reason is that with the advancements in technology, we have gradually shifted towards big data generated by machines. Where it used to be relatively easier for organizations to detect anomalies in data by employing simple fraud detectors such as Mantas, which ran algorithms on structured data. Machine generated big data, however, does not possess a particular structure, which makes it quite difficult for companies and big industries with huge amounts of data to keep check of and detect any discrepancies by analyzing patterns using simple fraud detectors.

So what is one ought to do in such a situation? Several big IT industries and organizations have found the ultimate solution to these security threats and risks: Splunk. Splunk is without a doubt the leading solution to scrutinize machine data and extract valuable patterns and information from what seems to be a directionless blob of data.


Splunk is essentially a tool that helps you to scrutinize machine generated big data. The software provides you with an easy to use, web-style interface using which you can easily monitor and analyze data. It creates a searchable repository through which it produces visualizations such as graphs and reports that may help you to judge and detect any discrepancies in the data patterns.


The operational intelligence that Splunk brings to any organization is simply invaluable when it comes to detection of online threats or any frauds in the company’s data. Whenever there is a threat or breach in security, the team responsible in this regard must respond quickly and efficiently in order to stop the threat before it fully develops. Splunk’s utter efficiency and speed allow one to do exactly that.

When it comes to monitoring the data stored in the cloud, there is no better security application than Splunk. With all of the statistics and analysis are visualised in a single view perspective in front of a security team, it becomes very simple and easy to identify patterns and also to detect any abnormal changes in said patterns.


Splunk is a complex framework that allows you to perform complex functions which is why one might face difficulties when trying to work with the platform. Having prior training and knowing what to expect and do when the time comes helps greatly to reduce time loss put it to better use.

For that purpose, you can look for online services in order to get full Splunk training so you can become well versed with the revolutionary application that every big and small name in the industry is using to reap ultimate benefits from big data. Online Splunk training is free, thorough, and explanatory, ensuring that you become an expert in a matter of weeks, or even days!