Do you know that world wide web turned 20 this year? It’s not a teenager anymore, so a little more sophisticated look is required. Since 2013 is almost gone, let’s take a look at predictions for the future development of the web design. What are the hottest trends we will see in 2014?
Flat design is the most hyped design trend according to the marketers. Screens are flat, but until now web designers were trying to trick our eye by using heavy textures and drop shadows. Faking a 3D experience seems to be the thing of the past and Windows 8 is one of the first examples. Solid blocks of saturated color, no shadows, strong lines, minimalist interface and creative typography characterize flat design.
Responsive design for any device is among the most popular trends in 2013 and it’s fever pitch is expected in 2014. People are surfing the web from the variety of devices and therefore websites need to be optimized for variety of resolutions and screen sizes. Of course, some clients prefer developing a separate mobile website, but as time goes by, responsive design becomes really trendy and even easier to develop.
Parallax scrolling is not the news for gamers, but it can also help designer in controlling the depth of objects. With very little design cost, parallax scrolling combined with CSS3 and HTML5 makes animations come alive. It’s a cosmetic tool, but it impresses visitors. With parallax scrolling the background actually becomes interactive helping clients to tell their story or sell their products.
Single page used in conjunction with parallax scrolling is very simple, but trendy. The images and contents are being poured on one single page, so that readers can scroll through the website instead of skipping from one page to another.
This article was written with the assistance of Superdense, international web design and development company located in NYC.