Nov 05

Must Avoid Web Design Mistakes

You may come across some websites on internet that may not be attractive. Though quality web design is not a difficult thing to accomplish, some owners fail to do it. It is essential to come up with a website that is user friendly so that visitors come back to the site. A website that is designed poorly website will attract the visitors quickly. To make sure you design the site in a proper way, here are some of the website design mistakes that you need to prevent.

1. Low quality navigation: One of the main mistakes to prevent while designing the website is giving low quality navigation. If visitors are not able to navigate through your website easily, they will just leave and find another website. Visitors will stay on your website for long time, if you provide a good navigation. Along with keeping the navigation simple you should also make it effective. Install a navigation that is user friendly, as it can wither make or break your website.

2. Confusing the visitors: You should never make visitors keep wondering where they have arrived. Each and every page on your website should be very clear and neat. This is particularly vital when visitors arrive on other pages of your website without coming to home page. Ensure every page of your websites links back to the home page.

3. Lengthy Pages: Another big mistake to prevent while working on web design is very lengthy scrolling pages. Users may not like scrolling long pages until and unless they think there is really something very interesting at the end of the page. It is better to divide pages. If that doesn’t work, ensure you have navigation and options of content on top of the page and provide easy navigation through the page.

4. Time consuming Download Times: Nowadays people don’t have much patience. They want the information that they are searching delivered as soon as possible. So, time consuming or slow download times are going to be cost more to your website. If your website is taking long time to load, many visitors will just leave and look for some other site that matches their requirements. This means you need to pay attention on quick download times while working on the design of your website. This is possible when the size of images are reduced and by restricting the amount of images used on every page of your website.