2013 is going to be a year of the latest in the web designing trends, responsive web design or RWD. Everyone is talking about responsive web design and every company from Harvard to AOL is adopting it and no matter, you love it or not, you have to come across it in the coming years. But, what the heck responsive web design really is?
In simple terms, responsive web design is a web designing approach wherein a website is created to provide the finest viewing experience, in form of trouble-free reading as well as navigation with least of resizing and scrolling, on an extensive range of gadgets, like desktop monitors and mobile phones.
The trend of responsive web design is increasing because more and more users are using gadgets other than desktop PCs to visit websites, on the go. Tablet sale is expected to surpass 100 million in 2013 and will probably top notebook sales next year. On the other hand, smartphones are becoming another hot commodity, as more and more consumers are preferring to own them to feature phones. And this is happening at an incredible speed. No wonder, web designing should achieve a level to offer the best viewing experience for the visitors and so, responsive web designing is currently the hottest trend.
Why Responsive Web Design?
In today’s age, when users are using multiple types of smartphones, iPads, netbook, Kindle and many other gadgets, the website owners cannot afford losing traffic just because his or her website is not seen properly on a particular device. Nor can he create separate versions for every resolution. In such a scenario, responsive web design makes it possible to make the design and development of the website respond to the behavior as well as environment of the user, as per the screen size, orientation and platform. As soon as the user shifts from his laptop to an iPad or other gadget, the site too should shift to accommodate the concerned resolution, size of image and scripting abilities. Thus the technology should be responsive to user’s choices. This eliminates the requirement of different design for every other gadget in the market.
Looking at the swift adoption of smartphones and tablets, and the truth that users are preferring to read news on mobile devices, 2013 is being expected to become the year of responsive web design, which seems to be indeed all-embracing.