Knowing about web hosting should perhaps be your first job after deciding to create your own website. You want your website to reach out to maximum number of people, so that your product or service can gain the desired fame. Your website is going to spread the word about your brand and therefore you would be taking efforts to create a best website; however, without a good host, all your efforts can be in vain. The professionals at Scalebuzz, a leading high quality hosting service provider, have shared their expertise with us here, to let you know everything about web hosting.
How does Web Hosting Work?
To make your website available to anyone anytime, it needs to be hosted with a web host. This is done when the web hosting company offers you a web server on lease. Plus, it is also necessary that people should know your website by a name so as to make it easy for them to access you. So, your website is also given a domain name, like This will not only enable you to make your website available to everyone, but also will let you use an email address, such as
Most web hosting providers provide packages which include a domain name when you sign up with them for a hosting plan. Therefore, it’s a good idea to get your domain and hosting with a single registration with them.
Types of Websites
To understand well about a website, imagine how your smartphone works; it has got basic apps in which you can enter notes, but you can download new apps too in your phone. Similarly, the basic tools available in your website make you enter some basic details in it, but you are also able to download new powerful apps on it.
Basically websites are of two types.
- Simple or Static Websites: In simple sites, you are able to develop one or multiple web pages (known as HTML pages) on your computer using software such as Adobe DreamWeaver. Then you will have to upload the pages to the server provided by your web host, with the help of FTP software, for example FileZilla. Whenever you feel like changing something on your website, you can edit the concerned pages on your computer and again upload them. The website doesn’t change by itself and hence it is known as a ‘static’ website.
- Dynamic Websites (blogs, photo galleries, forums, etc): Here, in place of HTML pages you will have to upload a piece of software, known as a web application, on the web host’s server. The software allows you to add and edit content (like text, photos, videos, etc). You can do this anytime online without using any special tools. The software even enables your visitors to make comments or discuss a topic of their own, if you allow them.
There are many popular software tools like WordPress, Drupal, Joomla and so on.
If you find installation of the web application difficult, you need not worry, because web hosts like Scalebuzz automatically install it for you and also their tech support is available to help you out anytime.
Hosting Technology
If you are going to deal with a static HTML site, it can be hosted on literally any server; but if you are going to use a web application, you should know which technology they are using. Two technological orientations are available to choose from.
Linux: Linux is today’s most commonly used hosting technology. It is also known as Linux Apache MySQL PHP or LAMP which are its 4 main parts.
Windows: Windows is also known as ASP hosting and is the proprietary technology of Microsoft. You can use this hosting only if you decide to operate a web application written particularly in ASP.
NOTE: You might be using Windows on your computer; however you should usually choose Linux hosting unless you particularly want ASP. Linux hosting is often faster, more flexible and more affordable than Windows hosting and also doesn’t pose any compatibility issue, without regard to which operating system you are using at your home or work.
Hosting Service Level
An array of hosting service levels is available. They can be roughly classified as follows:
Free Hosting: When you choose free hosting, you have a number of ads on your website and you can’t remove them. This type of hosting is usually very slow. You can choose this hosting only for a website which you will only use privately and not 24×7.
Shared Hosting: This is the commonest form of hosting. They have a huge server which hosts many websites of different clients; however, each client gets her/his private account which is isolated from others and strict security is followed.
cPanel: This is a control panel you get on Linux-based hosting servers and accounts, through which it becomes easy to mange several components of your account, like applications, files and emails.
WHM: Web Host Manager or WHM is also a control tool which often works with cPanel and offers you administrative access, control and flexibility while managing a few or many sites.
Virtual Private Servers or VPS: This too provides a huge server hosting many websites but the isolation of your website is stronger this time to the extent of giving a feel as if it is hosted on a totally different server. You should choose this service if you have high security concerns.
Dedicated Servers: As the name suggests, you get a dedicated server of your own, which is extremely fast, secure and comfortable. However, it is high-priced.
Cloud Hosting: In cloud hosting, your website is hosted on multiple servers with other websites. So, it is not dependent on the power of a single server, but its resources can row and shrink based on the traffic it gets.
The best thing to do is to start with a shared hosting and upgrade later as you grow. Shared hosting offers you the capabilities of a professional web hosting at much lower costs that that of a dedicated server.
Choosing a Hosting Company
Once you choose between the above-given different choices available, next you have to choose a hosting company. Here you should consider mainly 3 factors, performance, uptime and customer service.
About Scalebuzz
Scalebuzz is aimed only at taking your business to a new height because they know the needs of today’s ever-changing business environment and offer the highest quality hosting services. They stand apart from other providers because they integrate technology with advanced hosting services which boosts up your business towards the next level. Their incredibly friendly technical support makes you comfortable at every level of managing your website.
Choose your web host wisely to be able to manage your website smoothly and watch it growing.